Our processing time ranges between 2 and 7 business days from the date of order. In most cases, we process orders much faster. Once all parcels are ready for shipment, we dispatch them.

Based on your location, our dedicated shipping and delivery team selects the best, safest, and quickest route for each parcel.

Your parcel is then dispatched from our warehouse to the appropriate shipping courier, who will deliver it to your door. At this point, an automated email containing your tracking information should have been sent to the email address you provided during checkout.

Please contact us if you have not received any updates on your tracking information after our processing time.

We offer FREE worldwide shipping on all orders.

Clothing and accessories are individually packed in their original packaging and placed in a poly mailer. For added security, another layer of the shipping courier’s poly mailer is added.

All boxed items, such as footwear, some clothing, and collectibles, are individually packaged in their original packaging. The item is then wrapped in a poly mailer, placed in another sturdy box, and wrapped in a plastic layer by the shipping courier.

All footwear is also vacuum-sealed to ensure that your item arrives in perfect condition.

This one’s tough. If you received an email saying that your order shipped, then we cannot cancel your order. It means it has already left our warehouse and it is in the good graces of the carriers. If it has not shipped, and you wish to change or cancel an order after you’ve submitted it, please email our customer service, which will verify the status of the order and if it has not been shipped you will be able to change or cancel your order.

We highly recommend that all orders be covered by our Parcel Insurance Coverage. As a result, we can offer extensive assistance in the unlikely event that your parcel is taxed, confiscated, lost, or stolen.

We are not liable for any taxes, confiscations, or losses once your parcel has been dispatched from our location if you do not have Parcel Insurance Coverage.

Please see our FAQs for more information.

Occasionally an order will be held at your local post office. Reasons for the order being held can be the package was not able to be delivered to your mailbox.

Mistakes happen. If the item is damaged, or the incorrect item was received, please contact us within seven (7) days of the date your order is received at [email protected]. Provide your name, order number, description of the issue and please attach a photograph of the incorrect or damaged item received. We will make sure the right order gets to you. Thank you for being patient with us!