BBX Sneaker, established in 2021, is a manufacturer and wholesaler created to address the high prices of authentic sneakers in the resale market and the limited access to reliable, affordable replicas.
BBX stands for Best of Both X, blending the quality of original sneakers with affordable pricing. We bring you the best of both worldsâpremium craftsmanship without the premium price tag.
Our production line previously worked for NK as a contract manufacturer in China. With rising labor costs worldwide, many multinational companies are shifting to Vietnam or India for cheaper production. In response, our factory has had to adapt.
We recreate products by dissecting authentic items and sourcing equivalent-grade materials to replicate them as precisely as possible. All our sneakers, clothing, and accessories are Unauthorized Authentic (UA), meaning they are made with the same materials, stitching, and packaging as retail versions, but without authorization or a manufacturing license. We believe premium sneakers should be accessible to everyone, not just a privileged few.